
Join the Daesyn Family

While we do not have a litter currently planned until 2024/2025, our applications are open. We will update this page when we have litter news to share!

How the Application Process Works

You Apply . . .

Apply Now

Complete your application using the link above if you are interested in joining the family. No other application, contact, or option will be interchangable or accepted in place of our entire application found here.

You Apply . . .

We take a look . . .

We Review

We take time every week to review incoming applications. Sometimes the demand is higher than the amount of time we have that week. We work through them in the order that they are received and we understand that everyone wants and deserves a prompt response.

How long . . .

Average Turnaround

The average turnaround time on an application with standard submission volume is 3-5 weeks depending on our schedules and prior commitments. That said if we have a large influx, showing season, or other outside commitments review times can be extended.

How long . . .

Now we wait . . .

Everyone Hears Back

We reach back out to everyone who completes a full application. If we received an application you will hear back regardless of if you are accepted. Please do not reach out before 6 weeks post application for status unless you suspect an issue or error in your application as it takes away from our review time and slows down our process.

You made it . . .

Yay! or Neigh

While we wish we were the right fit for everyone sadly that is not always the case. Those that make it through the application will be contacted an offered a place on our waitlist. At that time we will discuss further how you will best fit into our family, additional specifics, and answer any follow up questions you may have.

You made it . . .

Puppy time . . .


Once accepted and pregnancy for your litter is confirmed we provide a deposit contract for you to review and complete. We give you three days to review and return the deposit and contract to move forward with the litter. 

At that time if you choose to back out of a litter or have not made a decision that is ok. We will invite the next person on the list to complete the deposit contract. At that point the first individual to return the deposit documents will move forward to the litter.

If more puppies are born we will then invite additional individuals to complete deposit documents.

Deposit Contract Notes

Do to the nature of the review process, the thoroughness, time, dedication and effort on everyone's part we want to be upfront on our deposit contract and process. Deposit contracts are offered upon pregnancy conformation to a percentage of homes to cover the expected litter size (example: if there is an expected litter of 8 we may initially only invite 5 individuals to complete deposit documents and inform three additional families that they are expected to receive puppies but we don't have confirmation until birth). 

Deposits are non refundable but are transferable to a future litter within our program. You are also free to refuse a puppy assignment at any point and be transferred to a future litter or discuss other accommodations 4 weeks after go home of any pending/on the ground litters.


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Club & Organization Affiliations

We are a member of the Irish Setter Club of America and proudly participate with the AKC.